Rubber is a name of a matenrial which come Strate & Shrinkage.
- Rubber is a polymer either peroduced by a natural Source Can be synthesis on an industusial scale.
- Rubbeut is also known as elastomer is a high Polymeulr having elastic propenties.
- Elasticity & rabberness is the most important Properties of rubber.
- on strching it elongate to nearly 200% of its original dimentational & quickely reaction to it's original Shape when Strching fouice is a remove.
> Importance of application of ruubber
properties of rubber(natural & synthetic rubber)
1) Grood tensile Strength.
2) High flexibility
3) good electrical resistance
4) good chemical resistance
5) good Abrasion resistance
6) good resilience
7) high elasticity
8) low condudivity
9) low permeability to air, grases & Liquids.
- Rubber are use manufacture of large no. of puroducts such as, tyres, v-belts, conveyor belts rubber lined tanks, mountings, gas kets. hoser spong rubber threads, coating of wires & cables.
- Rubber lined metal tanks & vesse Is used in chemical industry, chemical engineeving plants.
- Tyre uses like bicycle, automobiles & aeroplang shoe heads & sloles, v-belt & conveyor belt handbag goggles & helmet.
- Rubber gaskets like cokers, refrigerator cabinet doors, oven doors, Auto claves.
- Extersive adhesive & as rubbeur cement like reparing of cycles, scooted ,car turuck tubes, makig toys, Sports goods mountings, rockett motours..
> Synthetic Rubber or Artificial Rubber
- A synthetic rubber is any artificial rubber these are synthesys from petrolium by puroduct about 15 belium kelograms are produce anuolliy of the amount of 2/3 to 3 are synthetic.
- Synthetic high polymer possesive either the sam-similay Physical poroperty as than of natural rubber are called synthetic rubber
- In 1826 Faraday conclude that natural rubber was a hydrocarbon
- In 1860 grey coillium obtain isoprene a liquid form the rubber
1) Types Of Rubber
- Rubbeur or elastomer can be obtained from two sources, natural & artificial.
-For example of Natural rubber : Latex.
- for example of synthetic rubber : buna-s, buna-N Butyl rubber, Neoprene.
> There are four type of rubber
1) chlorinated,
3) latex
4) quayule
1) Chlorinated & oxygenated rubber
I) A Chlorinated rubber
- It Can be obtain by passing gaseous Chlorine in a rubber solution in benzene or carbon tetra chloride
- About 66% of Chlorine has been found to be present in chlorinated rubber
> Use
Fire & chemical resistance paints because it is a non combustible plastic.
I) 0xygenated rubber
- obtain by oxidation of rubber by air in the Poresence of cobalt limoleate as catalyst.
> Use
- self sticking adhesive on envelope flaps & tapes.
2) Cyclo Rubber
- They are manufactured by presence of acid Catahyst such as Ha²So4, H²SnCl6
> use
- Resin for paints & for inteurior concrete floor-finishes.
3) latex rubber
- later is an emusion of polhyrocarbon droplets in an aqueou solution
- latex is collected by trapping the furee in small Cups, which must be collected frequently to avoid Putre faction or contammation.
- A fully grown have n free gives about 5 gms of rubber in a day & about 1.75kg per year
- This latex has the folloumg average compesition
watre 60%
rubber hydrocarbons 35%
proteins, enzymes & nucleicacid 03%
fatty acid & ester 01%
inorganic salt 0.5%
4) Quayle Rubber
- Guayule rubber is obtained from guayle shrub in which rubber is enclosed in cell
- Rubber from the shrub cutting the Shrub in to 1/8 inch pieces partially filled with water.
- Rubber is a polymer either peroduced by a natural Source Can be synthesis on an industusial scale.
- Rubbeut is also known as elastomer is a high Polymeulr having elastic propenties.
- Elasticity & rabberness is the most important Properties of rubber.
- on strching it elongate to nearly 200% of its original dimentational & quickely reaction to it's original Shape when Strching fouice is a remove.
> Importance of application of ruubber
properties of rubber(natural & synthetic rubber)
1) Grood tensile Strength.
2) High flexibility
3) good electrical resistance
4) good chemical resistance
5) good Abrasion resistance
6) good resilience
7) high elasticity
8) low condudivity
9) low permeability to air, grases & Liquids.
- Rubber are use manufacture of large no. of puroducts such as, tyres, v-belts, conveyor belts rubber lined tanks, mountings, gas kets. hoser spong rubber threads, coating of wires & cables.
- Rubber lined metal tanks & vesse Is used in chemical industry, chemical engineeving plants.
- Tyre uses like bicycle, automobiles & aeroplang shoe heads & sloles, v-belt & conveyor belt handbag goggles & helmet.
- Rubber gaskets like cokers, refrigerator cabinet doors, oven doors, Auto claves.
- Extersive adhesive & as rubbeur cement like reparing of cycles, scooted ,car turuck tubes, makig toys, Sports goods mountings, rockett motours..
> Synthetic Rubber or Artificial Rubber
- A synthetic rubber is any artificial rubber these are synthesys from petrolium by puroduct about 15 belium kelograms are produce anuolliy of the amount of 2/3 to 3 are synthetic.
- Synthetic high polymer possesive either the sam-similay Physical poroperty as than of natural rubber are called synthetic rubber
- In 1826 Faraday conclude that natural rubber was a hydrocarbon
- In 1860 grey coillium obtain isoprene a liquid form the rubber
1) Types Of Rubber
- Rubbeur or elastomer can be obtained from two sources, natural & artificial.
-For example of Natural rubber : Latex.
- for example of synthetic rubber : buna-s, buna-N Butyl rubber, Neoprene.
> There are four type of rubber
1) chlorinated,
3) latex
4) quayule
1) Chlorinated & oxygenated rubber
I) A Chlorinated rubber
- It Can be obtain by passing gaseous Chlorine in a rubber solution in benzene or carbon tetra chloride
- About 66% of Chlorine has been found to be present in chlorinated rubber
> Use
Fire & chemical resistance paints because it is a non combustible plastic.
I) 0xygenated rubber
- obtain by oxidation of rubber by air in the Poresence of cobalt limoleate as catalyst.
> Use
- self sticking adhesive on envelope flaps & tapes.
2) Cyclo Rubber
- They are manufactured by presence of acid Catahyst such as Ha²So4, H²SnCl6
> use
- Resin for paints & for inteurior concrete floor-finishes.
3) latex rubber
- later is an emusion of polhyrocarbon droplets in an aqueou solution
- latex is collected by trapping the furee in small Cups, which must be collected frequently to avoid Putre faction or contammation.
- A fully grown have n free gives about 5 gms of rubber in a day & about 1.75kg per year
- This latex has the folloumg average compesition
watre 60%
rubber hydrocarbons 35%
proteins, enzymes & nucleicacid 03%
fatty acid & ester 01%
inorganic salt 0.5%
4) Quayle Rubber
- Guayule rubber is obtained from guayle shrub in which rubber is enclosed in cell
- Rubber from the shrub cutting the Shrub in to 1/8 inch pieces partially filled with water.
ReplyDeletenice good information..