> Methanol-Via Hydrogenation Product
> Process
- Methanol is sythesized by the reaction of hydrogen and carborn monoxide under high Pressure
- The reactant hydrogen and carbon monoxide are obtoined in a variety of weight from different raw material.
- A common source is reformed naturalgas.
- In this case natural gas that has been desulphuoized by passage over activated carborn is pre-heated and mixed with carnon dioxide and steam at 30 PSI.
- The mixtue is pass in to heated alloy Steel tube im furnace.
- The reaction which take- Place at 800°c is essentialy.
3CH4 + CO2 + 2H2O → 4C0+8
- The resulting synthesis gas is cooled by passes through waste heat boileor various heat exchanger and water cooler.
- Regardless of the source of the carborb monoxide hydrogen mixture the ratio is odjusted to so that appooximate the theoretical ratio is obtained (2 vohmo of hydrogen to 1 volume of carbon monexide).
- The mix gases are compuresed in multi-Stage compressor to pressure of 3000-5000 PSI heated in heat exchanger by the reaction of gases
- The heated gases pass through a copper line steel conveunter containing a mix catalyst of the oxide of zinc,chuiomum, Monganese or Aluminium for ex Zno with 10% Cr²O³
- The temperature of the reaction is maintain at approcimate 300°c by Proper of the heat removal from the hexotheumic reaction
- The convertor must be heated to initiated the reaction but once started it is self Supporting.
- The methanol containng gases legving the reactor are cooled by the reactant in heat exchangen and condense undeutr full opeurating pressusr.
- The pressur is relese and the cool (o-20°c) liquid methanol is run off.
- It may be furtther purified by the distillation.
- The residyal gases are return to the System for reprocessing.
- After distillation they methanol of 96-98% Purity is obtaimlned.
> Properties
- Molecular weight : 32.04
- Boillng point : 64.6°C
- SPGR (wt/vol) : 0.792 at 20°C (Density)
> Hydrogenation Of Oil And Manufacturing Of Vegetable Ghee
> Process
- Accordinghy a lgrge amount of groungnut oil cotton sead oil etc are hydrogenated in present of suitable catalyst to obtain adied fat called vagetable ghee.
- As a result of hydrogenation the melting Point of the oil raaise and it is conveted in to a adible fat.
- In other woulds hydrogenation is the process of converting an oil in to fat.
- Hydrogenation of oil is a Procoss in while vaurious to unsaturated redical of fatty glyceol are converted in to more highly orcomplete satutated glyceurol by the addition of hydrogen in the presence of catalyst .
- The process of hydrogenation also improve the Keeprng quality test and colour many oil for sample of example liquid oilnl not be used as adible oil because of bed odous and test.
- on hydunogenation to propenr degree this oil can be converted in to adible fat
- The whole oil and cotton shead oli also give good, hard, soft when hydrogenated to a pelopest degree .
- The Process of hydrogenation is caraiad out by passing hydrogeg gas through the oil kept at about 140-180°C and containing finallu devided Ni in Suspenation until the absortbi on of hydrogen taken place as indicating by the deteuimrmahorn of I² value
> ptimum condition for the hydrogenation process
- The hydrogon must be very pure traces of gases sulphur compound, Ar, and Cl Compound and carbon monoxide.
- oil must be pure as well as free from fatly acids react with Ni and it's oxide to form Ni - Salt which is soluble in the oil. Soluble Ni compound Present in the adible oil at a poison.
- carefully handle Ni catalyst because when at contact with air it is fire
- Carefully handle H²-gas
> Process
- Methanol is sythesized by the reaction of hydrogen and carborn monoxide under high Pressure
- The reactant hydrogen and carbon monoxide are obtoined in a variety of weight from different raw material.
- A common source is reformed naturalgas.
- In this case natural gas that has been desulphuoized by passage over activated carborn is pre-heated and mixed with carnon dioxide and steam at 30 PSI.
- The mixtue is pass in to heated alloy Steel tube im furnace.
- The reaction which take- Place at 800°c is essentialy.
3CH4 + CO2 + 2H2O → 4C0+8
- The resulting synthesis gas is cooled by passes through waste heat boileor various heat exchanger and water cooler.
- Regardless of the source of the carborb monoxide hydrogen mixture the ratio is odjusted to so that appooximate the theoretical ratio is obtained (2 vohmo of hydrogen to 1 volume of carbon monexide).
- The mix gases are compuresed in multi-Stage compressor to pressure of 3000-5000 PSI heated in heat exchanger by the reaction of gases
- The heated gases pass through a copper line steel conveunter containing a mix catalyst of the oxide of zinc,chuiomum, Monganese or Aluminium for ex Zno with 10% Cr²O³
- The temperature of the reaction is maintain at approcimate 300°c by Proper of the heat removal from the hexotheumic reaction
- The convertor must be heated to initiated the reaction but once started it is self Supporting.
- The methanol containng gases legving the reactor are cooled by the reactant in heat exchangen and condense undeutr full opeurating pressusr.
- The pressur is relese and the cool (o-20°c) liquid methanol is run off.
- It may be furtther purified by the distillation.
- The residyal gases are return to the System for reprocessing.
- After distillation they methanol of 96-98% Purity is obtaimlned.
> Properties
- Molecular weight : 32.04
- Boillng point : 64.6°C
- SPGR (wt/vol) : 0.792 at 20°C (Density)
> Hydrogenation Of Oil And Manufacturing Of Vegetable Ghee
> Process
- Accordinghy a lgrge amount of groungnut oil cotton sead oil etc are hydrogenated in present of suitable catalyst to obtain adied fat called vagetable ghee.
- As a result of hydrogenation the melting Point of the oil raaise and it is conveted in to a adible fat.
- In other woulds hydrogenation is the process of converting an oil in to fat.
- Hydrogenation of oil is a Procoss in while vaurious to unsaturated redical of fatty glyceol are converted in to more highly orcomplete satutated glyceurol by the addition of hydrogen in the presence of catalyst .
- The process of hydrogenation also improve the Keeprng quality test and colour many oil for sample of example liquid oilnl not be used as adible oil because of bed odous and test.
- on hydunogenation to propenr degree this oil can be converted in to adible fat
- The whole oil and cotton shead oli also give good, hard, soft when hydrogenated to a pelopest degree .
- The Process of hydrogenation is caraiad out by passing hydrogeg gas through the oil kept at about 140-180°C and containing finallu devided Ni in Suspenation until the absortbi on of hydrogen taken place as indicating by the deteuimrmahorn of I² value
> ptimum condition for the hydrogenation process
- The hydrogon must be very pure traces of gases sulphur compound, Ar, and Cl Compound and carbon monoxide.
- oil must be pure as well as free from fatly acids react with Ni and it's oxide to form Ni - Salt which is soluble in the oil. Soluble Ni compound Present in the adible oil at a poison.
- carefully handle Ni catalyst because when at contact with air it is fire
- Carefully handle H²-gas