Skip to main content Sem-2 Manufacturing Of Glass & Types Of Glass And Information About It


  >  Process

- Glass are made by heating mixtune that nearly always consist of silica call & dry powder or metallic oxides.

- Most glass are manufactun by a process in which raw-mateutials are converted at high temperature to a homogejeaus melts , that is then form in to an article.

-  Raw mateutials are selecting acrourding the properties purity supply, cost etc .

- Silica sand is most common in goradiant all most type of glasses.

 - limp-Stones is a sourvr of colcium soda ash is Source of Sadium and bore and Boutic acid is Source of borone.

- Broken gloss Usually termed as collected is used as a batch material to enhance glass melting and to resuce the amount of dust and other particular matter that aften a companies a batch mads exculsively from fresh raw-mateuial.

- Tipically 10 to 151% of glass batch is the comprised of collect.

- More efficient of operation as used in the container glass industries may required of purchas of collect forom flate glass compay or colloctors and distuributouis.

- Morden analytical techniques hve not only added glass produce but also unable suppiers of raw material to produce more consistance proloduct.
-Melling and fiing depends on the batch mate rial interacting where each other the proper types and proper.

- Ideally when the intimently mixed is changed in to the hot furnece series of melting in dissociation Volatarization and redox reaction ane takes-place between the material in a particulr order and particulaur temperature.

- In the continueous tank furnace four type of process occuuis like Melting, Refiming fining & homo-genzing .

- After homo-genizing whole mass cooled at 800°c in fabrication unit, where Shaped is done drawing pressing or blowing depending upon the Size of anticles.

- Finished the product and charged in to the anotheui furnace for anneling.

- Aneling is caunied out at about 500°C for 60 to 90 minutes.

- After anneling inspection and testing is done and then inspected material packed and dispatch while unpassed moteurial is rejectedd as collect which is recycle.

> Types Of Glass

-There are man five types of Glass

1) Soda-Lime Glass

 - This type still Putovides most of the common, Colouiless transparent.

- This raw materials are the least experisive & they among the easiest to melt & Shape.

- Molten Soda-line glass are typically well using suited for windon glass sheet glass, Plate glass, comtainens such as bottles inexpensive table were etc.

-However their relatively low softening temperature & relatively low thermal shock resistance limits their high termp. usefulmess.

-These are easily attacked by strong alkalis.

2) Lead Glass

-Lead glass is essentially made by using lead oxide - pbo for fluxing & stahlbilizing the silica & the akali.

-very high Percemtage of lead oxide may be corporated for some extra dense oplical qlasses.

-Lead glaas are some what more
expensive but are easier to melt &  shape.

-Lead glasses have greater rework ability.

- High lead content markedly inculegse the absouiption of x-rays & such glasses are used for Arotection agai16L x-rays & other radiation

-Costly Prisms & lenses are usually made of lead glass.

3) Borosilicate Glass

-In this type of glass melting pint of Silica is lowered by the addifon of boric & boron oxide

-This type of glass contins unusually Small amounts of alkalis & non or at the most 1% of calcium oxide.

-Silica content is signiticantly higher than that of Soda-lime glass lead glass.

-It may contain upto 3% of alumimium oxyda.

-These glasses are harder to melt & woork it has greater resistance to theurmal shock.

-These properties have made possible uses for these type of glasses as oven ware, theumally mechanically Strong laboratoy  were, most of the Comman chemicols compoments for use in chemical industry & chemical laboratories.

4)Vycor Or 96% Silica Glass

-These type is made by a very different & new way of securing a desired composition.

-In first Stage , an alkali glass out borosilicate glass is melted & shaped in to desired anticle, but of about 14 % overisize dimensions.

-This anticle is heat -treated the glass of changes in to two inteuimingled glassy phases outer phase is high in alkalis & boron oxides.

-The other -inner phase is high in siljca ,contains about 96% silica & about 3% boroton oxides.

-In the second stage the soluble pphase Is leached out in hot mineral acids & the highen£r silica statuctume is left as a porous Sturuchure.

-The porous stucture is washed to remove the boric & is heated to about 1200°C.

- The glass article shrinks about 14% the structure becomes consolidated

-The 96% cilica glass -vycor has Such a  stability &  such high Sottening temp. ( about 1500°c) leboratory were crusibles furnare linings ultura Violet fillters & high fequency electutical insulations are typical application of the glass.

5) Silica qiass : (fused Silica)

-silica glass can be made by feeding a batch consisting silica sand of very high purity.

-Melting temp. of the batch is as high as that of silica crystal about 1750°Cll

-The molte glass is very highly viscous & it is very difficult to secure homogeneaity freedom from bubbles.

-very high viscosity at working temp.  make fabrication difficuit l& limils the size & shapes of the arcticles


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