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Showing posts from 2020 Ic - 6 Unit-2 Reaction Part-1

1) Intuioduction & Mechanism of Mannich Reaction  > Defination - compound containing atteast on active H² (Hyduiogen) atom condense with formaldehyde or Punimauiy (1°) or secondauiy (2°) amine or ammonia to give the product known as Mannich base Reaction (Nucleophilic reaction ) Aeromatic ketone containing α-hydutoger undergoes Mannich reaction to fovm β-amino keton Aceto ketone react with formaldehyde in Presence of Porimary / secondany amine to form β-amino ketone. >  Mechanism - Neucleophile attack in N of NH² to amine electotopositive carbonyl carbon (c) of aldehyde to form inteumediate which is then protonated to form imine by oremoval of water. Step - 1  Step - 2 - Reaction between enol from of aertomatic ketone & imine to from intermediate which is the diprotonated to from β-amino ketone. 2)  Intuioduction & Mechanism of  Oppanauer oxidation  Reaction - oppanpueet oxidation is con...


> Introduction - A substance while is increase or decrease the rate of reaction whithout taken in part any reaction is known as catalyst - The mechanism of catalysis the freeenergy of activation is dowered by the presence of catalyst - The catalst is promoting the reverde  reaction for example. platinum - For the platinum is effective catalyst for the oxidation of Co² & Co³ they also found speedly decomposition of So³ in to So² & O² -  The rate of reaction decrese by the presence of catalyst is called negative catalyst -  For Example Nitric Oxide, Iodines 2.) Types Of Catalytic Reaction  - There are two types of catalytic reation...    1) Homogeneous Catalyst     2) Heterogeneous Catalyst - let us consider that a non catalytic biomolecular reaction proceed as follows.. A) Homogeneous Catalyst  -  When the catalyst & raection substances are in the same phase is called homogeneous catalyst. ...

Pepar Chromatography & Radixl Pepar Chromatography

> Pepar  Chromatography  - Papar Choromatography is an  analytical methad used to separate colour chemical or subdance  - Paper chromatography is usefull for the separating complox mixture of compound having similar properly for e.g amino acid. - The molecule phase is a solution that travell up the stationany phase due to capillany action - The moleculer phase is generally an  alcohol Solvent mixed up. whild the stationany Phase a strip of chromatography paper - cellulose filter paper is oftean used as the stationadiy phase in papar chromatography - Since it is hydu1ophilic it is usually covered with a then field of water. >  Porinciple - This techiques is a type of partition chromatography in which the substance are distributed betweern two liguid conce is Stationary liquid usually (wateor)which is held in filter of the paper & called the Stationory Phase, the other is the moving liquid or developing solvent &...

Types Of Cement And Information About

   > Introduction - Cement is a general term given to the powder materials. - Which intially have plastic flow when mixed with water or other liquids but has the property of setting to ahard solid structure in several hours with varying degrees of strength and bonding propertic - Greeks,roman & Egyptian used volcanic staf such as pozzuolanic cement a volcanic tufa obtainear pozzuolanic in iatail. - This types of natural cement may be regardil as a mixture of burnt duplicates & lime. - The acidic siliceous matter combines with Ca(OH²)during the setting of natural cement. - Portland cement is chemically defined as the finally ground mixture of calcium aluminates & silicates of varying composition which hydrate when mixed with water to from a rigid solid structure with good compressive strength. - Portland cement is a mixture of following compound C²S, C³S, C³A, C4AF, MgO, CaO >  There are various types of portland cement some o...

Gas Chromatography

- GC Specially GLC involves a sample being vapourized and injected on to the head. of the chromatography columm - The sample is transpotted through the column by the flow of inert goses mobile Phase the column it self  contain a liquid Stationary phase which is adsorb on to the surface of an inert solid. >  Instotumentation  - Although many commerical variation   are available badsically all GC whenther GLC & GSC consist of six basic component. 1)  A carrier gas 2) A Sample imjection system 3) The Separation column 4) One or:more detector 5) Thermostate: chamber for the temp. & regulation of the columm & detestor 6) A amplification & recorder system 1)  A Carrier  gas  -  The carrier gas must be chemintcally inert - commonlly used gases include N²,Ar & CO² - The choice carrier gas is of ten depend ant upon the types of detector which is used - The carrier gas system also comtain m...

Hydrogenation Of Oil And Manufacturing Of Vegetable Ghee & Methanol

> Methanol-Via Hydrogenation Product  >  Process  - Methanol is sythesized by the reaction of hydrogen and carborn monoxide under high Pressure - The reactant hydrogen and carbon monoxide are obtoined in a variety of weight from different raw material. - A common source is reformed naturalgas. - In this case natural gas that has been desulphuoized by passage over activated carborn is pre-heated and mixed with carnon dioxide and steam at 30 PSI. - The mixtue is pass in to heated alloy Steel tube im furnace. - The reaction which take- Place at 800°c is essentialy. 3CH4 + CO2 + 2H2O → 4C0+8 - The resulting synthesis gas is cooled by passes through waste heat boileor various heat exchanger and water cooler. - Regardless of the source of the carborb monoxide hydrogen mixture the ratio is odjusted to so that appooximate the theoretical ratio is obtained (2 vohmo of hydrogen to 1 volume of carbon monexide). - The mix gases are compuresed in multi-...

Evoporated Cystallser & Draft Tube Crystalliser and Spray Column

> Evoporated Cystallser  - It is a circulating Liquid evaporating  with help of steam The consist of a crystallizing chamber containg a back of forming and growing cutystal. - Criculatng from external heater for heating the solution with the help of condensing heat and the vapour. - The solution from the curystallising chamber pump by circulating from on the suction side of which the feed solution forming a small part of the total circulating liquid is introduced in to a beater where it is heated by Steam. - Fed to a vapour had where in some of the solution of vapor resulting in to some degree of the supersatutation . - Neucleation takes place in the cryatal Phase which is maintain in a fluidised phase. - The nuclei foumed cirtculated with the other liquid & once they grow sufficien  large they will be retained in the fludised bed. - when the crystals grow to a required Size they will be with drawn as product from the bottom of the cutystallising.... Sem-2 Manufacturing Of Glass & Types Of Glass And Information About It

                   >  Process - Glass are made by heating mixtune that nearly always consist of silica call & dry powder or metallic oxides. - Most glass are manufactun by a process in which raw-mateutials are converted at high temperature to a homogejeaus melts , that is then form in to an article. -  Raw mateutials are selecting acrourding the properties purity supply, cost etc . - Silica sand is most common in goradiant all most type of glasses.  - limp-Stones is a sourvr of colcium soda ash is Source of Sadium and bore and Boutic acid is Source of borone. - Broken gloss Usually termed as collected is used as a batch material to enhance glass melting and to resuce the amount of dust and other particular matter that aften a companies a batch mads exculsively from fresh raw-mateuial. - Tipically 10 to 151% of glass batch is the comprised of collect. - More efficient of operation as used in the c...

Types Of Refining Rabbur And Information About It

Refining of rubber - Refining of rubber there are main two types in process: 1) Break down  2) compounding 1) Break down - The polymeric chain of the rubber are broken by masticating or kneading by the warm roller after this porocess the rubber losses reveuisibility. 2) Compounding - during break down process imidiately the heat compound are added to get desine Product. They ane many agent add like. 1) Rain forcing agent. 2) Inert fillter 3) age resistan antioxidants 4) Softner & Extenders 5) Colur & pigment 6) vulcamization agent. 7) accelerator 8) Aceleuiator activator 9) peptizer. 1) Rain forcing agent - They aure imcrease the Strength & rigidity and tensile sturength Example :  zink oxide.carbon black magnesium canbonate. 2) Inert filten - Filter improve the hardness. They protect in abbraction. For e.g Stone, tulkem powder, carbon black. 3) softner extenders - Softner & extenders th...

Types of rabbur and information about it.

 Rubber is a name of a matenrial which come Strate & Shrinkage. - Rubber is a polymer either peroduced by a natural Source Can be synthesis on an industusial scale. - Rubbeut is also known as elastomer is a high Polymeulr having elastic propenties. - Elasticity & rabberness is the most important Properties of rubber. - on strching it elongate to nearly 200% of its original dimentational &  quickely reaction to it's original Shape when Strching fouice is a remove. >   Importance of application of ruubber  properties of rubber(natural & synthetic rubber) 1)  Grood tensile Strength. 2) High flexibility 3) good electrical resistance 4) good chemical resistance 5) good Abrasion resistance 6) good resilience 7) high elasticity 8) low condudivity 9) low permeability to air, grases & Liquids. - Rubber are use manufacture of large no. of puroducts such as, tyres, v-belts, conveyor belts rubber lined tanks, m...

Water Pollutants and their Sources & Control Of The Water Pollution

Water Pollutants and their Sources The variois types of water pollutants are:- 1) Oxyres-demanding wastes :- These Include domestic and aninal sewage, bio-degradable organic compounds'and industrial wastes from food-processing plants, meat-packing plants, slaughter houses paper and pulp mills, tunnerjes etc, as well as agricultural run-off. All these wastes undergo degradation and decomposition by bacterial activity in presence of dissolved oxygen This result in rapid depletion of D.O. from the water, which is harmful to aqualic organisms. The optimum D.O. in natural waters is 4-6 ppm, which is essential for supporting aquatic life Any decrease in this D.O. value is an index of pollution 2) Disease-causing wastes :- These include pathogenic microorganisms which may enter the war along with sewage and other wastes and may cause tremendous damage to public heath These microbes comprising mainlyof viruses and bacteria can cause dangerous water borne diseases such as c...

Industrial Production Of Precipitated Silica & Calcium Carbonate & Neoprene Rubber

1) Industrial Production Of Precipitated Silica   >  Reaction Na²Sio³ + H²So4  ------> Na²So4 + Sio² Sodium   Sulphuric       Sodium  Silica Silicate    Acid                 Sulphat                                                                      +H²O                                            Water >  Process - Precipitated silica is produced by a reation of the sodium silicate & sulphuric acid . - First of all pure sodium silicate is taken in dilution tank, whare it is diluted by water. - Now dilution of solution is taken in a reactor in the reactor H²So4 is...
1) Glass Thermometer - The glass thermometer is one of the best & most common type of temperature measuring device.  - The unit consist of a glass enveloped a responsible liquid & indicating scale. - The envelope compressed a thick wall glass tube which a capillary tube & a cylindrical bulb filled with the liquid. - The two parts are based & fused in together & top end of the capitllary tube is shilied. - The size of the capillary depends on the size of the sensing bulb, responsive liquid & the desired temperatylture range of the insturument - The changes in the temperature will caused the fluid tube expamded & rise up to the capillary. - Sibce the area of the capillary is much less than the bulb. - The relatively small changes of fluid volumme, will results in significant fluid rise in the capillary. - The thermometer bulb usyally filld with mercury >  Chracteristics 1) Simplicity of used & relative...

Industrial Production of MgSo4,CaSo4, Mg(OH)² & MgCo³ & Na²Sio³

1)  Industrial production of MgSo4,CaSo4, Mg(OH)² > Reaction                                     1)  Mgcl² + Ca(OH)²  ----->  Mg(OH)² +                                                            CaCl² 2)  Cacl² + H²So4  ------>  CaSo4 + 2HCL 3)  MgCl² + H²So4 ------> MgSo4 + 2HCL > Process  - In the industrial production of MgSo4 & CaSo4 first of all mixed salt bittern is first taken in a reactor. - Ca( OH)² from line treatment tank is also charge into the reactor. - Due to reactor precipitation of the Mg(OH)² is obtained. - filter the mass in filter press to remove precipitation of Mg(OH)² which is dry pulverised & packed. - Filtrate is further taken in a trea...